Léaráid caidrimh Mastermind
Is minic go mbíonn máistrí ag coireanna móra. Dhealraigh sé go raibh gá le máistir-mhuinín don turgnamh neamhghnách daonna seo ina raibh líon mór Jimmy páirteach. Seo a leanas léaráid de na caidrimh idir na daoine a chuala mé ó Yoshiki Sasai. Scríobh mé síos cé a threoraigh mé, mar sin déan é a sheiceáil. Má fhéachann tú air seo, is féidir leat an caidreamh idir muintir Chimimoryō a thacaigh le hOspidéal Ollscoile Nihon agus le Coláiste Leighis Náisiúnta Cosanta a fheiceáil. Feiceann tú cén fáth go bhfuil an eagraíocht ró-mhór do na póilíní oibriú.
Cé a threoraigh?
Córas OO OOO
Yoshiko Nakazima
Yoshiko Nakajima
Feirmeoir JCR
Corparáid leighis áirithe
Ollscoil Nihon
Echelon uachtarach
(Current director, living in Ashiya)
(Pooooooo of Nihon University)
Mitsuko Yuzawa (Stiúrthóir)
(Stiúrthóir reatha)
Ospidéal Ollscoile Nihon
Hiroshi Saito Tatsuhiko Urakami Junichi Suzuki
Den sórt sin
I could not disclose all the detailed names about the mastermind above. Because it's too dangerous.
The human experimentation case against all Jimmy started with the plans of the criminals and pharmaceutical companies living in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture and Ashiya. At that time, Stem Cell Science KK Was committing research equipment delivery fraud (600 million yen) and treatise fabrication fraud (700 million yen) using a dummy company in Osaka.
They knew and threatened Jimmy's parents to accuse police of their fraud. And at the same time instructed doctors at the National Defense Medical College Hospital to torture Jimmy. After that, further instructions were given to the upper management of Nihon University Hospital, and acts similar to the torture of their Nazis were started.
Jimmy's parents have accused these human experiments of being a crime that began when senior executives at Nihon University directed doctors in pediatrics and neurosurgery at Nihon University.(American Jimmy officials have notified American courts and politicians of these evidence recording tapes in writing and as evidence.)
At the same time, Jimmy's parents have repeatedly told police that the crime was directed by organizations in Kobe, Ashiya and Osaka in Hyogo Prefecture.(American Jimmy officials have notified American courts and politicians of these evidence recording tapes in writing and as evidence.)